When a complex system is far from equilibrium, a single island of coherence can shift the entire system into a higher order.
The sensitivity of the human nervous system is truly remarkable. For example; a sheet of paper is in the region of 100,000 nanometers thick, human fingertips can feel the difference between a smooth surface, and one with a pattern embedded just 13 nm deep.
The average lifespan of a mechanical pump is 15 years. If the pump is in constant use, the lifespan drops to 5 years. The average lifespan of a human heart is 85 years.
The vast improvement in performance of the biological design is due to the the fact that the human body is always repairing itself. Gradual degradation does occur, but the performance still far exceeds the mechanical design. The soft tissue of the heart, outlasts metal, which proves that softness is a strength, not a weakness.
The 'strength' of any material, should not be measured by its hardness, but rather by its ability to perform a function for the longest period possible. After all, what use is the strength of the metal in the pump, when it cannot accomplish the task for which it was made?
If you are pronounced dead when your heart stops beating, then why are you not pronounced alive when it starts beating?
If the impassioned pleas of an awoken man are mistaken for anger, it is because you can ‘feel’ the energy of his passion, but are unable to transmute the energy. Like a pressure cooker on a stove, if there was no escape valve, the lid would eventually blow off, destroying the kitchen in the process.
Any energy that cannot be transmuted by the heart has to find another 'outlet'. The degree of violence exhibited by someone erupting in anger, is evidence of the explosive potential of emotional energy.
There are only two ways of dealing with energy, we either use it, or lose it.
The heart is the first organ to form. Every other organ in the body, is a posterior attribute of the heart. The heart creates the tongue, so it must be the heart which regulates its use. The tongue is considered by many people to be the strongest muscle in our body. A sharp tongue may break many hearts, but a strong heart can silence any tongue.
An angry man may LOSE control of his emotions. A passionate man will USE his emotions to impact people with wisdom. The ability to transmute emotional energy seperates the men from the boys. Both are able to punch; but the boy punches the physical body, the wise man punches straight into the heart.
Head intelligence, is no match for heart coherence.
A butterfly will struggle to free itself from the hard shell of the cocoon, but, if any external assistance is provided, the potential for life to exist collapses into nothing, and all is lost.
It is the struggle which makes us, so stop trying to avoid it.
Your heart is unique; there has never been one like it before, and there will never be one like it again. You have a heartbeat no one else has, so that you can leave an impression on this world that no one else can. Never be afraid to speak from the heart about the things which truly matter.
If a captain lacks the courage to lose sight of the shore, his ship cannot fulfil the purpose for which it was made. During the course of a ships life, there may be times when the ship requires repairs. in such times as these, a short spell in dry dock is necessary. But, if a ship is in dry dock just because the captain fears the ocean, then what use is his boat?
If a boat is sea worthy, it belongs out at sea. If the captain lacks the courage to set sail? Take away his boat.
A coward sits under a rock waiting for death to free him from his ignominy. A hero dies at sea wrestling with the storm. I cannot give you courage, you must sail through the storm and earn it for yourselves.
“I have no Ark to keep you safe, just these arms of mine to hold. And a heart, so strong and loyal, that I will never fear the cold. So build it big, and build it strong, and take it out to sea once more. And trust that love will one day, bring you safely to my shore”